Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Your Dream Wedding

When you get engaged and start planning for your wedding the world of creativity opens up and there is so much possibility just waiting for you to walk through its door. Sit back, close your eyes and just fantasize for a few minutes. Picture yourself in your Wedding gown walking into your reception - what colors come to mind- What does the guest seating look like; do you see your guests seated at a table- should the tables be round, square rectangular? Do you want your guests on chairs, ottomans or banquets? Are the tables coffee table height, standard or high top? Or are you nixing tables and providing all lounges or maybe a combination of the above?

Imagine the atmosphere you want to create. This is where you get to think about lighting and what that will bring to the party.

Try to step outside of your comfort zone when you plan your wedding. I know it is hard to imagine something that you haven’t seen in pictures and magazines but it can be so rewarding if you begin to let go of all your fear and learn to play and use your imagination.

The room you create does not need to be about the flowers and centerpieces and linen color. Take it a step further and really spend time thinking about how you want the party to move and flow. The rest will fall into place.

No one says you need to be traditional unless that is what you want. Remember, there are no rules; and if there are, just remember the old saying that states:“rules are meant to be broken.” There may be some religious or cultural traditions to follow but they are also open to interpretation. They exist as a guide for you to use and customize to fit with your life, style and personal preferences

This is your wedding! The planning should be fun! Let go and play!

Please let me know if you liked this post. Write back and tell me your thoughts. I would love to hear from you and help in anyway I can.

Grace, Gratitude and Happy Planning!

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