Tuesday, August 16, 2011

10 Wedding Tips to Ease Your Stress

The final days before your wedding can be extremely stressful.  It feels like there is so much to do, so much to confirm and everyone seems to want your attention. You have no more time to think- just act and/or react.  

Here are 10 ways to ease the stress prior to your big day:

1.   Create a guest list spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel with only the important details as your column header, ie: last name, table #, food choice and hotel info

2.   It is important to create a separate column for each guest by last name so you can sort alphabetically

3.   Make a vendor list and be sure to include their emergency contact info on this list.  Include their category and the date of your final confirmation

4.   Actually speak, in person or by phone with each vendor at least once during this time and definitely do a follow up email the week prior to your wedding

5.   Assign your tables as soon as you have your guest responses. I like to put each guest, or couple on a separate “post it” tab so I can easily move them around when creating seating assignments

6.   Keep track of seating alphabetically and by table

7.   Allow your calligrapher at least 10 days to complete your escort cards

8.   Keep a box of everything that has to go to the wedding at your front door- Have a checklist and mark off each item as you put it by the front door

9.   Finalize your floral and décor elements as soon as you assign everyone to where they will be seating

10  Create a timeline of how you would like your event to flow- make sure you calculate how much time you need on the day of to get ready. Then leave yourself extra time

Take a deep breath, get a massage, have a facial and really take care of yourself during this time.

If you found this article helpful or interesting please leave a comment.  Let me know your thoughts, If you have any questions or need any information or would like to see me write about a topic you need help on let me know.  If you don’t want to leave a comment below you can always email me: Julia@eventuresinc.net or simply visit our website at www.eventuresinc.net.

Grace, Gratitude and Happy Planning!


  1. Great tips! With this advice, how could anyone event go wrong?

  2. Thanks Jason for your continued support. I love reading your comments.
