Thursday, January 26, 2012

Stressed Out! Easy Fixes to Get You Through the Final Stages

 You are fighting with your husband because you are spending way too much on your child’s Mitzvah.  He just doesn’t understand why you need to have 50 vendors and a celebrity entertainer.  All the money you had hidden in your sock draw has now been used to pay for some of the extras that you just had to have.  It is getting closer to the date and all the final payments are due instead of lying awake at night waiting for the shoe to drop try:

Going to the gym.  It will release the positive endorphins which will provide a sense of calm and put a smile back on your face. And an even bigger plus, you get to show up at your child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah with a new and improved body.  Everyone will be talking.

Try a meditation class.  I know it is hard to sit with your mind silent, especially since you have carpools to drive, favors to buy, guest seating to finish; but without taking time for yourself all your planning and hard work will not be enjoyed by you or your guests.  Planning your child’s Mitzvah is more than a party it is a journey for you and your family.

Hire a planner to finish the job.  A good planner will take over and help you sort through all chaos.  Speak with all the vendors, finalize and complete all the details and most of all give you time to prepare, relax and support your child.

Dear Reader,  Are you feeling stressed?  Where are you stuck? Let me know we would love to help.

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Grace, Gratitude and Happy Planning!

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