Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Why Hiring a Wedding Planner is a Good Idea

This post is based on a true event.

Last weekend my neighbor’s son got married. The wedding took place at his parent’s home. This is just a taste of what we got to experience as their neighbor.

Saturday afternoon I arrived home to my cul de sac at around 3pm to be greeted by massive chaos on my street. There were cars and trucks parked everywhere; making it difficult to drive down the street.

No big deal, right? People have parties, do construction create chaos and mess all the time. You just get used to it, take a deep breath and move on. Especially in a city like Los Angeles.

Around 6pm my husband and I leave to meet with friends, my son is off to Santa Barbara and my poor daughter, a junior in High school is home studying for finals. We get back home at around 10pm. The street is still crazy, music is still blaring. Wow, 7 hours later- must be a great party!

We go into our house and get ready for bed- around 10:30 the music dies down and as we are drifting off to sleep we are shocked awake by footsteps coming up our back deck stairs and in a flash there is a giant shadow of a man standing in our bedroom window. We both scream and jump out of bed, I have seriously never been so scared in my entire life and am shocked that I was able to pick up the phone to call the police.

We soon discover that the large male intruder, the one who scared us awake, worked for the DJ company that ran or played at the wedding next door. Apparently he got drunk and managed to get lost and ended up in my backyard- which is completely enclosed with a wrap around wooden fence… In addition, the next day- my husband lets me know that our backyard was covered in beer bottles.

You are probably wondering how this relates to my topic of why you should hire a Wedding Planner for your wedding?

Because, when you hire a planner you are going to have qualified, professional vendors with work policies regarding how their employees are allowed to behave at your party. I know, our work is fun- we create atmosphere and energy for your event. But, the key word is we are working! We are there to provide a service, not party like a guest.

Furthermore, I absolutely know that at the end of one of my parties or weddings my vendors will not be wandering the neighborhood casing out the homes and opening you (the client) up to a possible lawsuit. When the party ends they will be loading their stuff into their trucks and leaving- and they are leaving your home and your neighbors homes the way they found them- no one’s lawn will be strewn with beer cans or empty wine bottles. I think a little peace of mind and tranquility for all are wise choices when it comes to planning your next home wedding.

If you found this useful, helpful or interesting, please let me know. I would love your feedback. If there is something you want to learn about just let me know. I would be more than happy to oblige.

Grace, Gratitude and Happy Planning!


  1. It is great to have someone there to handle your business so you can relax (hopefully) and enjoy your day. Make sure you are selective in your hiring of a planner... It will make or break your big day!

  2. I couldn't agree with you more. It is very important to hire someone who actually has experience planning events other than their own wedding.
